Q01.How many times can be tested for one bottle of the LensHookeTM X QC Beads (For Semen) ?
One bottle can be tested for ten times.

Q02.May I repack the LensHookeTM X QC Beads (For Semen) ?
Please refer to the user manual, it doesn't recommended any unauthorized repacking for LensHookeTM X QC Beads (For Semen). It might lead to the result inaccurate. Once you have opened the screw cap of the LensHookeTM X QC Beads (For Semen), It recommended you have to storage it in refrigerator at 2℃~8℃, and finished in 90 days (DO NOT freeze).

Q03.How much volume for one bottle of the  LensHookeTM X QC Beads (For Semen) ?
One set has three different concentration level bottles and each one is 2mL (for ten times).

Q04.What is the detect concentration level of the LensHookeTM X QC Beads (For Semen) for advice?
LensHookeTM X QC Beads (For Semen) is three bottle's pack. It includes three different concentration level by using the color coding for the label, such as Negative Control (0M/mL), Level 1 (25M/mL±8), and Level 2 (50M/mL±12).  Each batch concentration level will be slightly different for Level 1 and Level 2, it depends on the manufacturing. Please make sure to check whether the information of the color box label and the bottle label is consistent with the product of the LensHookeTM X QC Beads (For Semen). If you have any questions, please contact the customer service center.

Q05.How often to do the Quality Control test by  LensHookeTM X QC Beads (For Semen) for advice?
It recommended you to do quality control test for the analyzer at least once a month  by three different concentration level of the LensHookeTM X QC Beads (For Semen). 

Q06.What is the shelf life for LensHookeTM X QC Beads (For Semen)?
The unopen vial is for two years. If you open the bottle cap, it will need to storage in refrigerator at 2℃~8℃, and it must to be finished in 90 days (DO NOT freeze).

Q07.What can I do for the advice if the Quality Control test fail over two times?
If the QC test result kept fail, it might be the LensHookeTM X QC Beads (For Semen)  is expiried, flipped, or mixed with other concentration level. Please use the another new LensHookeTM X QC Beads (For Semen), a new cassette, a new dropper, and new drops of LensHookeTM X QC Beads (For Semen) redo the QC test.

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